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News from the world of BT-Systems

Competence center AAT - NEWS


Update from Division AAT-FREEZING

AAT-FREEZING continues to lead the market in terms of quality with its innovative freezing system, the BoxFreezer.

BoxFreezer in the USA

The first parts of the 1st BoxFreezer are on their way to the USA!


AAT-Freezing at IPPE 2024

AAT-FREEZING expands its market presence in the USA at the IPPE 2024


Comeptence center BT-Anlagenbau - NEWS

Das HSE-team schließt PV-Projekt bei Magirus Lohr ab

Into the next era of energy without any worries

The HSE-team completes solar power project at Magirus Lohr.


BT-Anlagenbau News: Schaltanlagenfertigung Next Level

Switchgear manufacturing Next Level

BT-Anlagenbau works with EPLAN Pro Panel P8, Perforex and Wire Terminal


Running Team „BT-Anlagenbau / ECE-LOG“

Our successfull team at the start oft he Businessmarathon 2024.


Competence center REDWAVE News

Visit of the Brazilian delegation and Advantage Austria Brazil

Obrigado por sua visita e até breve!


TEX-tile recycling at IFAT 2024

REDWAVE Launches Innovative REDWAVE TEX for the Future of Textile Recycling


Sorting Solutions for TEXTILE RECYCLING


BT-Group News 54

BT-Group News 53

BT-Group News 52